• category education

    The view component is a powerful tool for you to display any part of your website as you like. This component exists in the Elanat core and is located in the appearance system section by default. Each view is activated based on the path parameters and query string you want.

    You can create a view using the following match types:
     - Full match
     - None query
     - All query
     - Exist
     - Start by
     - End by
     - Regex

    Then you can do the following:
     - Block the location you want from being created and displayed
     - Connect with styles that support views and customize text colors and background colors of styles
     - Choose a style and template for the view
     - Add whatever you want in the head section of HTML pages

    For example, you can add a image to the background for some categories, and in another example, remove the left and right locations from the main page.

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